Snow Leopard Population Monitoring

BWCDO works with local communities to facilitate long-term solutions to the human-wildlife conflict, as opposed to imposing a top-down approach. The community-based approach helps ensure the cost of conservation is fairly distributed, both among members of the community directly interacting…

Community Managed Livestock Insurance Schemes

BWCDO’s central mechanism to resolve the conflict between farmers and snow leopards is a livestock insurance program. This initiative functions through annual premiums from individual farmers into a community endowment fund. The fund is co-managed by BWCDO and village members…

Predator-proof Corrals

In addition to livestock insurance, farmers can make a request to the VIC for the materials and labor necessary to build predator-proof corrals.. These corrals are made of stone, mesh wire, and wooden or iron beams, and unlike traditional corrals,…

Livestock Vaccination

In a complementary effort to reduce livestock mortality, BWCDO carried out two rounds of a livestock vaccination campaign in 2015 with assistance from the Snow Leopard Network. Vaccinations against Mange, Foot and Mouth, Anthrax, and Brucellosis which kill between 10 and 15…